• Australia

    If you want to emigrate to Australia, are looking for employment or want to travel around this iconic country, then you need to be at Down Under Live!
  • New Zealand

    If you want to emigrate to New Zealand, are looking for employment or want to travel around this iconic country, then you need to be at Down Under Live!
  • Tickets

    Save 30% on entry prices by buying in advance (Entry price £16 per ticket). Under 16's go free!
  • Jobs

    Looking for a new job in Australia or New Zealand? We'll be screening and interviewing candidates for a variety of positions across both Australia & New Zealand.
City guide – Christchurch

Outside the cathedral, the street entertainers are in full flow. One is cracking a whip and getting the crowd to cheer him on with unseemly boldness. His jokes are just the right side of bawdy to keep the adults amused while the kids drag them in to watch the juggling of fire and chainsaws. It’s not very English, you know.

Even the road signs remind of glorious Albion. Around the city centre, the streets are named after the most English of cities. Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester streets all run parallel. Durham, Salisbury, Cambridge and Lichfield are similarly honoured. Then there’s Christchurch’s rather grand cathedral.

It’s a grand affair, modelled on Christ Church college in Oxford and finally completed in 1904 after a 46 year delay. Despite lacking in originality, the interior is fabulous to explore, and it’s possible to go climbing up the spire. More signs of little England can be found on the river which, of course, is named the Avon. Punting down it is a popular pastime, and for those wanting to do it the touristy way, you can even hire a man in a straw boater to do all the donkey work for you.

So far, so scones and tiffin, but start scratching below the surface and you discover that Christchurch has its own distinct character. It also has to be remembered that Christchurch is the closest that the South Island gets to having a major international hub. It’s the second largest city in New Zealand, with a population of roughly 350,000, and is the closest approximation of the big smoke you’ll get for hundreds of miles. The city attracts major concerts, an increasing number of international flights land direct rather than via Auckland and there are international standard museums and attractions. Meanwhile the Canterbury Crusaders rugby team – the best in New Zealand and arguably the best in the world – calls Christchurch home, and there is a packed year-round events calendar. On a more day-to-day level, Christchurch is beginning to inject a bit of cool into that stiff upper lip. Asian fusion restaurants, Maori art and some decidedly unfusty attractions await once you’ve stepped away from the county town clichés.

A big café culture scene has sprung up in recent years, while a number of microbreweries have found a receptive audience amongst the locals. These locals quietly know they’ve got it good - mountains, beaches and the gorgeous Banks Peninsula are just a short drive away, while the city is just the right size to keep you occupied without descending into a grim combination of rat race and suburban sprawl. In fact, what you might mistake for old fashioned English reserve is probably more an air of quiet contentment. It would be perfectly easy to visit for a few days and treat Christchurch as one big gardens, cathedrals and messing about on the river stereotype, but dig beneath the cliché and the city rewards in many ways.

One thing you don’t get in England is penguins. And you certainly don’t get female penguins called Elvis. She’s too waddly to be snake-hipped, but she sure is cute. And it’s possible to watch her swim with her pals from an underwater viewing platform at what is unquestionably Christchurch’s highlight. The International Antarctic centre is an enormous complex near the airport, and it is more than just a cool tourist attraction. It is the base not only for New Zealand’s Antarctic research missions, but for their American and Italian counterparts too. Around 70 per cent of visitors to the Antarctic go there from Christchurch, so the centre is as close as you can get without actually being there. Aside from the penguins, the clear highlight of the centre is the Antarctic Storm, which gives a proper idea just how nippy it can get. It takes place inside a large, glass- panelled room with an igloo and tent to shelter in (and, incongruously, a slide for kids).

The floor is covered in fake snow and the temperature is a parky minus five degrees. It’s only going to get worse, and that’s why we’ve been given snow storm coats and overshoes to don. Gradually, the temperature drops and a wind machine ramps up the chill factor. As it gets down to minus 18.7, a mental note is made that the Scott Base is not an ideal spot for an idyllic beach holiday. The centre also offers the chance to get a bit of an adrenaline rush with a ride on a Hagglund. Understandably, the average Nissan Micra doesn’t quite do the trick over frozen wastelands, so special vehicles are needed. The Hagglund looks like a truck and a tank have had a baby with growth deficiencies, but its tracks and general sturdiness mean it can handle most terrains. Very slowly, admittedly, but its creators were evidently quite into Aesop’s tortoise and hare yarn.The 15 minute ride goes over a specially designed course outside the centre, and has a touch of the fairground about it. Passengers are strapped in (rather uncomfortably), and then thrown round corners at precarious angles, up and down steep hills and through large murky brown puddles.

The Antarctic theme continues apace at the marvellous Canterbury Museum in the heart of the city, where an old research station has been transported over and placed inside a huge building.

The Hallett Station was built by New Zealand and the US in 1956 for making weather reports and conducting tests on all manner of things. they even moved over the Geomagnetic Dome, caterpillar Bulldozer and lots of random fuel drums. Elsewhere, there are chances to dress up some cartoon Egyptians, skeletons of extinct creatures such as moas and allosaurs and a worrying amount of material devoted to a former world speedway champion.

There are some themes amongst the randomness, however, and the early history of New Zealand’s settlers is also examined. this generally involves models of people in skimpy clothing digging at things with bits of bone, but prime time television wasn’t exactly crash hot in those days and entertainment had to be found elsewhere. The building’s in a lovely setting – the Botanic Gardens – too. And it is this general loveliness that Christchurch is generally lauded for. It’s a green city, full of parklands and attractive buildings. But that’s not to say it’s totally tranquil and sedate.Christchurch has a big arts scene, with the Arts centre and Art Gallery at the hub of the cultural Precinct. the latter is in a strikingly modern building that is about as far away from the cathedral as you can get in architectural terms.

It concentrates on exhibitions, leaving the Arts centre to be a gathering place for the city’s more bohemian and creative types. Needless to say, it’s one of the best places for a coffee and a spot of people-watching in the whole country. But when Christchurch really shakes off its reserved image is the end of January every year. this is when scores of brightly-painted, absurdly-costumed street entertainers flock to the city for the World Busker’s festival. Lasting 11 days and featuring around 450 live shows, Christchurch becomes a giant stage for acrobats, fire-eaters, jugglers and downright weirdos who don’t really fit into any category.

Key areas – such as the Arts Centre, Cathedral Square and the City Mall - are transformed into arenas and the level of entertainment goes through the roof. It’s hardly genteel, and it’s certainly not cricket but it does show that there’s more to the South Island’s second city than being just a Gloucester or a Worcester transported to the other side of the globe. Christchurch adds more than a dash of kiwi to the traditional strawberries and cream recipe.

Quirky transport options in Christchurch

The Hagglunds at the Antarctic centre are not the only unusual forms of transport to be discovered in Christchurch. the city has an array of odd ways to get about – many tourist attractions in their own right...

The Gondola

It’s not a gondola in the Venetian sense of the word, but what we’d call a cable car. Going up from the city, the four person cabins climb up to 500 metres above sea level and travel just over half a mile. It takes around 10 minutes to get to the top of Mount Cavendish, from where there are spectacular views out over the Southern Alps, Lyttleton Harbour and the Banks Peninsula.

A punt

Going punting down the Avon has become a Christchurch tradition. Lifted wholesale from the genteel waterways of Oxford and Cambridge, the idea of punting is to sit back and relax as you meander down the river, steered by an upstanding chap with a pole. The aforementioned chap is dressed in Edwardian style, with a waistcoat, stripy tie and straw boater.

The trams

The third in the quirky transport trio is the tram. Christchurch has a laughably small stretch of tram track – it acts as a city centre loop – but the trams that operate on it have got character. they hark back to the good old days, have vintage colour schemes and chug along the tracks offering a commentary as they go. they’re a good way of getting your bearings.


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15th Nov 2025

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    Southern District Health Board, South Island, NZ will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    House Officers/Senior House Officers, Dunedin and Southland Hospitals, NZ
    Non-set surgical & surgical specialities registrars, Dunedin and Southland Hospitals, NZ
    Medical & medical specialities registrars, Dunedin and Southland Hospitals NZ
    Emergency department registrars
    Psychiatry registrars

    Will be recruiting for teaching roles in New Zealand
    Business Studies Teacher
    Science Teacher
    Maths Teacher
    Digital/ICT Teacher
    Head of Technology
    Primary School Teachers

    Looking for a GP to start working in Western Australia
    Waikato District Health Board, North Island, NZ will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Registered midwives
    Registered nurses
    Social workers
    Occupational therapists
    Consultant radiologists
    Consultant haemotologist
    Highland Medical Centre, Madeley, Western Australia will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    General Practioner

    Tonkin and Taylor will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Water Resource Engineers
    Environmental Scientists
    Environmental Engineers
    Environmental Consultants
    Civil/Structural Engineers
    Geotechnical Engineers

    Oasis Education will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    'state of the art' Auckland integrated high school looking for an experienced teacher of technology
    Tutors required for Central Auckland Education Centre
    Experienced teacher of English wanted for 2108
    Food technology Cookery teacher
    Intermediate school teacher required Y7 or Y8
    Experienced NZ trained teacher for junior syndicate
    Permanent Senior Syndicate Homeroom teacher 2018
    Technology Teacher Resistant Materials
    Primary Teachers wanted for Permanent & Fixed Term opportunities in Auckland
    Queensland Government Department of Health will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Nursing and Midwifery
    MHHS Registered Midwives
    Registered Midwives, Women’s Health Unit
    Registered Nurses, Cardiac Care Unit
    Registered Nurses, Cardiac Catheter Laboratory
    Registered Nurses, Day Procedure Unit
    Registered Nurses, Emergency Dept, MBH
    Registered Nurses, Medical/Surgical, Mixed Ward G2
    Registered Nurses, Medical Services, Medical Ward F0
    Registered Nurses, Mental Health Inpatient Unit
    Clinical Nurses Mental Health Case Workers NG6 and / or Psychologists, Social Workers or Occupational Therapists HP3 in Community Mental Health (including Acute Care; Continuing Care; Alcohol and Other Drugs Services; Mobile Intensive Rehabilitation; and Older Persons)
    Registered Nurses, Renal Unit
    Registered Nurses, Renal Unit, Haemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis
    Registered Nurses, Theatre
    Registered Nurses, Paediatrics
    Registered Nurses, Intensive Care Unit

    Come and live in the region that has just been named the world's second top region to visit in 2017 by Lonely Planet !

    In Taranaki, it is easy to achieve an enviable lifestyle without having to compromise your career path. The region’s amazing mountain, rivers, lakes, fantastic coastline and outstanding surfing and tramping opportunities, masses of parks and gardens, as well as a major events calendar, make it a great place to live and work.

    The Taranaki District Health Board is a large organisation (1,800 staff, $325m cost-centre) operating in the exciting, changing Health sector.

    If you would like further information about opportunities at the Taranaki District Health Board contact:

    Charles Hunt, Human Resources Manager, Charles.Hunt@tdhb.org.nz

    Cara Humphries Stonnell, Recruitment Advisor, Cara.HumphriesStonnell@tdhb.org.nz

    Taranaki Base Hospital, New Plymouth
    Consultant General Physician / Respiratory subspecialty
    Clinical Nurse Specialist - Oncology/Haematology
    Clinical Psychologist

    Get your Australia/New Zealand working holiday visa with BUNAC and work and travel for up to 12 months. We’ve got four packages to choose from, to give you as much or as little support as you need both before you go and when you get there. We also offer UK exclusive Group Flights with a three-day stopover in Hong Kong, so you can make friends before you arrive. For more information visit www.bunac.org/DownUnderOZ or www.bunac.org/DownUnderNZ
    WORK AUSTRALIA STARTER - £155 - Hit the ground running with our no-frills package is perfect for the independent solo-traveller that wants to go with the flow.
    WORK AUSTRALIA ESSENTIALS - £359 - Our Work Australia Essentials programme will give you everything you need to hit the ground running on your working holiday in Australia!
    WORK AUSTRALIA ULTIMATE - £599 - Our most popular package gives you a helping hand for the whole 12 months you’re away, and includes a fun-filled seven day activities week.
    WORK AUSTRALIA RANCH - £899 - Already know you want that second year visa? Get all the skills you need for Aussie farm work, and a whole heap of other benefits.
    New Zealand
    WORK NEW ZEALAND STARTER - £155 - Our Work New Zealand Starter package is perfect for the independent solo-traveller that wants to go with the flow.
    WORK NEW ZEALAND ESSENTIALS - £359 - Our Work New Zealand Essentials programme will give you everything you need to hit the ground running on your working holiday in New Zealand!
    WORK NEW ZEALAND ULTIMATE - £699 - Our most popular package gives you a helping hand for the whole 12 months you’re away, and includes a fun-filled six day activities week.
    WORK NEW ZEALAND IEP - £600 - If you’re up to 35 years old or have already used your Working Holiday Visa for New Zealand, then the IEP package is for you. Including the elusive IEP Visa - exclusive to BUNAC - this is the only programme in the UK which will allow you to have a year long working visa outside of the normal Working Holiday Visa. Even better, on top of the IEP Visa, this package also provides year long in-country support, access to an online job board and the chance to book onto one of our Group Flights.

    CMV Bus & Truck will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Diesel Technician
    Fleet Management position

    Portland District Health will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Senior Registered Nurses
    Sonographer / Radiographer
    General Physician
    Specialist Positions

    Alliance Health will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Operating Theatre
    Operating Theatre Specialists
    Scrubs - Orthopaedic, Cardiac and General
    Theatre RNs with Da Vinci Robotic Surgery Experience
    Other Positions
    Registered Nurse

    Department of Health and Human Services will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Registered Nurse – TheatreHobart, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered Nurse – Critical / Intensive CareHobart, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered Nurse – Emergency DepartmentHobart, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered Nurse – Mental HealthHobart, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered MidwifeHobart, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered Nurse – TheatreLaunceston, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered Nurse – Critical / Intensive CareLaunceston, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered Nurse – Emergency DepartmentLaunceston, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered Nurse – Mental HealthLaunceston, TasmaniaAustralia
    Registered MidwifeLaunceston, TasmaniaAustralia

    Education Personnel will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Head of Department – MathsGore High SchoolGore, Southland, NZ
    Teacher – Resistant Materials TechnologyNapier Boys' High SchoolNapier, Hawkes Bay, NZ
    Teacher – Wood & GraphicsInglewood High SchoolInglewood, Taranaki, NZ
    Teacher – X3 PositionsMount Richmond Special SchoolAuckland, NZ
    Teacher – Year 7 & 8Auckland Normal IntermediateAuckland, NZ
    Center Manager – BarnardosEarly Child EducationLower Hutt, NZ
    Teacher – Little SchoolEarly Child EducationWellington, NZ
    Teacher – Little School St HeliersEarly Child EducationAuckland, NZ
    Teacher – Primary SchoolRandwick ParkSouth Auckland, NZ
    Teacher – Primary SchoolNorth ShoreNorth Shore Auckland, NZ
    Teacher – Year 7 & 8 Hard Materials TeacherPukekohe IntermediateGreater South Auckland, NZ
    VTNZ is the leading provider of vehicle assessments in NZ with over 80 branches nationwide. We are a private company with over 1000 employees, and are part of the DEKRA Ltd worldwide group. We are recruiting for the following role(s) at the show:
    Automotive Technician

    Kiwi Careers will at our shows looking to fill the following positions in New Zealand
    Solicitor (Commercial) $70k - $100k - Auckland & Christchurch
    Auditor $60k - $80k - Auckland
    Solicitor (Litigation) $70k - $100k - Auckland & Wellington
    Civil Engineer (Intermediate) $80k - $100k - New Zealand wide
    Civil Engineer (Senior) $120k+ - New Zealand wide
    Architectural Technician $70k - $80k - Auckland
    Business Advisory Accountant (Practice) $80k - $90k - Auckland & Christchurch
    Architect $85 - $100k - Auckland and Queenstown
    Patent Attorney $80k - $100k - Auckland & Christchurch
    Telco Engineer/Data Analyst $90k - $100k - Auckland

    Buzz Recruitment will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Permanent Roles
    Executive Sous Chef, Auckland
    Front Office Manager, Queenstown
    Venue Manager, Queenstown
    Restaurant Manager, Te Anau
    Senior Sous Chef, Te Anau
    Working Holiday Visa Roles
    Restaurant Supervisor, Christchurch
    Bar Duty Manager, Christchurch
    Sommelier, Christchurch
    Permanent / Working Holiday Visa Roles, Candidate dependant
    Junior Sous Chef, Nelson
    Chef de Partie, Christchurch
    Sous Chef, Queenstown
    Other Jobs
    Job City Contract Type
    Chef de Partie Christchurch Full Time
    Bar Duty Manager Christchurch Full Time
    Restaurant Supervisor Christchurch Full Time
    Sous Chef Queenstown Full Time
    Human Resources Manager Auckland City Full Time
    Bar Duty Manager & Restaurant Supervisor Christchurch Full Time
    Head Chef Christchurch Full Time
    Restaurant Manager Te Anau Full Time
    Senior Sous Chef Te Anau Full Time
    Sommelier Christchurch Full Time
    Key Account Manager | BDM | Hotels Auckland City Full Time
    Venue Manager Queenstown Full Time
    Executive Sous Chef Auckland City Full Time
    Junior Sous Chef Nelson Full Time
    Head Chef Auckland City Full Time
    Front Office Manager Queenstown Full Time
    Hotel General Manager Christchurch Full Time
    Demi | Larder Chef | Prep Weapon Christchurch Full Time
    Conference & Sales Coordinator Christchurch Full Time
    Bar Staff Christchurch Full Time
    Conference & Sales Coordinator Christchurch Full Time

    Here at NZ Life Recruitment, we believe New Zealand is the new land of opportunity. As the cities and towns continue to develop, there is a demand for skilled and experienced construction professionals like never before. We know first hand everything involved with such a big move, with our director having made the journey himself. Once we have worked to find you the perfect role to continue your career here in New Zealand, then we begin to put things in place for your arrival. We find out about you as person, your hobbies and interests, so we can help you settle as quickly as possible.

    As part of the service here, we look after the following: -

    • Airport transfer to temporary accommodation
    • Welcome pack courtesy of NZ Life Recruitment
    • Arrangement of accommodation based on needs and wants. For example: family, children, single, location of office
    • Bank appointments to set up accounts and tax information
    • Transfer of UK driving licence to New Zealand licence
    • Links and contacts to sports clubs
    • Network of other UK professionals who have already made the move to New Zealand

    We are actively recruiting for the following professionals:

    Quantity surveyors
    Project managers
    Site managers
    Building surveyors
    Site engineers
    Civil engineers
    Fire engineers
    Structural Engineers

    Who are Enterprise Recruitment

    Enterprise are New Zealand’s leading recruitment company with over 70 staff dedicated to helping people find the next step in their career. We have a proud history in New Zealand having opened in 1972. Other facts about Enterprise include:

    • We have offices nationwide from Auckland in the North to Invercargill in the south
    • Our business is privately owned, and the owners work hands-on within the business
    • We are committed to our promise of “Improving life” for our candidates and clients

    Our real difference is our reputation as the company that actually cares about people – which is why we are trusted by some of New Zealand’s best employers to find them the best talent.

    Why are we here?

    We are here representing some of New Zealand’s best employers with job opportunities in the following areas:

    • I.T Industry – eg developers, testers, business analysts, mobile developers, product designers
    • Building and Construction – Project Managers, Quantity surveyors, carpenters, electricians

    However, whatever the role or wherever the location, there is a good chance we can help.

    Are you a Recruitment Professional?

    We are also here and looking for experienced recruitment professionals to come and work for us in New Zealand. So come and talk to us about what it would be like to work for the best recruitment company in New Zealand

    What can we do for you?

    So if you have made the decision to move to New Zealand and the right job is all that is holding you back, then you need to talk to us. We have been in business for 43 years, we are privately owned and employ industry experts, and above all else we are Straight Up and Honest.

    IT Positions
    Software developers
    Mobile developers
    Scrum Masters
    Product Designers
    Business Analysts
    Construction Positions
    Project Managers
    Quantity Surveyors
    Recruitment Professionals
    Any Experienced Recruitment Professionals

    RobLawMax Recruitment are looking to fill the following positions, for more information email your CV to jobs@roblawmax.co.nz or phone +64 4499 8800
    Engineering/design Managers
    Pqs / Qs / Estimators
    Site Managers / Agents
    Rail Professionals
    Transport Planners
    Architects & Designers
    Asset Management Professionals
    Project Engineer (SMP) - Renewable Energy
    Project Manager (Civil) - Mine Infrastructure
    Installation Supervisor - Industrial Processing Equipment (Agriculture)
    State Manager - Queensland
    Senior Project Engineer - Road
    Civil Project Manager - Land Development (Construction)
    Supervisor - Civil Construction
    Project Engineer - Civil Construction
    Supervisor - Civil Construction (Earthworks & Pavements)
    Senior Drainage Engineer, Major Project
    Senior Project Engineer, Civil Construction
    Lead Engineer, Rail (Freight & Passenger projects)
    New Zealand
    New Technology Planning & Integration Manager
    Project Managers
    Structural Engineers
    Civil Geotechnical role
    Site Manager, Commercial Construction
    Quantity Surveyor
    Project Managers
    Water / Environmental
    Structural (build)
    Building Services
    Power Systems
    New Zealand Skills in Demand are currently recruiting for the following positions - for more information, please email info@edpltd.co.uk
    Front End Developers
    Ceiling Fixers
    Floor Fitter
    HVAC Engineer
    HGV Drivers
    HGV Mechanics
    Diesel Mechanics
    360 Excavator
    Site Manager
    Project Manager
    Quantity Surveyor
    WTR Operator
    Pipe Fitter

    Western Australia offers one of the best lifestyles in the world with its endless blue skies, white sandy beaches and easy-going lifestyle.

    This is complemented by a first class integrated health system that provides the opportunity to work across a wide range of clinical specialities in cosmopolitan cities and or rural communities.

    The Government of Western Australia Health Department will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Registered Nurse
    Community Child Health (Health Visitor)
    Emergency Medicine
    Child and Adolescent Mental Health Nurse
    Palliative Care
    Community & Public Health
    General Medicine
    Emergency Medicine

    Education Personnel will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Head of Department Social Studies in Wellington, New Zealand
    Mathematics Teacher in Auckland, New Zealand
    Physics Teacher in Auckland, New Zealand
    Electronics Teacher in Auckland, New Zealand

    NZ Skills in Demand will be recruiting for the following positions at the show. Please email info@edpltd.co.uk if you would like to submit an application ahead of the events.
    Ceiling Fixers
    Civil Engineers
    Civil/Roading/Asphalt Experienced workers
    Concrete Workers
    Chartered Accountants (CIMA preferred)
    Construction Project Managers
    Experienced Drainlayers
    HGV Drivers
    Heavy Diesel Mechanics (bus and trucks)
    IT Professionals (web/software developing/coding/C+)
    Plant Operators
    Quantity Surveyors/Estimators
    Refrigeration/HVAC Technicians
    Software Engineers
    Structural Engineers
    Tilers/Floor Finishers/Carpet Layers
    Welders and Fabricators

    Accent Health will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Occupational Therapist
    Junior & Senior Doctors
    RMO's & SHO's
    General Practitioners
    Registered Nurses (Hospital and Community)
    Theatre Staff
    Medical Radiation Technologists
    Anaesthetic Technicians
    Operating Department Practitioners

    Medacs Global Group is one of the leading international healthcare staffing and services companies. Operating under a variety of brands including Medacs Healthcare, Global Medics, Doctors-on-call, Fast Response Healthcare and Litmus Solutions, we provide healthcare recruitment, managed services, occupational health, social care and home care services.
    General Medicine - Resident Medical Officer, NSW, $80-$100,000 per annum
    Diagnosis and management of the patient’s condition, prescribing appropriate medications and arranging interventional treatment or referral for consultation where required.
    Communicating with the patient about his/her condition and management.
    Ensuring that an accurate history and examination, management plan, investigations and action taken are recorded in the patient’s medical records.
    ED SRMO, Canberra, ACT, $87,000 + superannuation & package
    Sponsorship and first month of accommodation provided
    600+ bed tertiary referral and trauma hospital in the nation’s Capital
    Supportive work environment, dedicated teaching program, mixed roster
    Surgical Nurses, Auckland, NZ, Hourly Rate + 8% Holiday Pay
    Flex your Surgical Nursing expertise within Private or Public Hospitals
    General Surgical or Surgical Specialties
    Work as part of our clients fantastic MDT’s
    Clinical Nurse Educator, Auckland, NZ, Hourly Rate + 8% Holiday Pay
    Share your Nursing passion with the next generation of students
    Work for a Prestigious Tertiary educational provider and have the opportunity to travel across 3 different campuses.
    Excellent experience for a nurse interested in pursuing a career within academia
    Forensic/ Correctional Nursing, Auckland, NZ, Hourly Rate + 8% Holiday Pay
    Primary Care or Urgent Care experience required to work ‘behind the wire’
    Agency Line of Work/ On-going bookings
    Work as a part of a team in a very different working environment with exciting new opportunities
    Theatre Nursing, Auckland, NZ, Temp Agency or Permanent
    Scrub? Scout? Circulating? Recovery? We’ve got roles for which ever area your prefer!
    Private or Public Hospitals
    Gain experience working with some of the best surgical teams in NZ
    Critical Care – ICU, CCU, HDU, Auckland, NZ, Temp Agency or Permanent
    Calling all Critical Care Nurses with experience with vented or non-vented critical care patients
    Work in some of NZ’s best Critical Care facilities and provide care to the most fragile patients
    All specialties and areas
    Mental Health Nursing, Auckland, NZ, Temp Agency or Permanent
    Inpatient or Community based roles
    Work within the Public Health areas, Forensic Unites or Private Drug & Alcohol Facilities
    Long-term agency lines of work; fixed term contracts or permanent roles
    Registered Nurse – Intellectual/Learning Disability (ID), Wellington, NZ, $80,000, Permanent
    Intellectual/Learning Disability in-patient services for Youth & Adults
    Relevant post- registration education/experience in ID or Mental Health required
    Work as part of an experienced team providing a family & patient centric approach
    Registered Nurse – Mental Health Triage, Wellington, NZ, $75,000, Permanent
    Provide initial triage via telephone and respond to referrals and enquiries from members of the community.
    Significant experience working in Community Mental Health or Crisis teams and risk assessment essential
    Join a friendly and supportive culture with opportunities for professional development and training
    General Practitioner, Auckland, NZ, $200,000, Permanent or Fixed Term
    Private Practice Monday – Friday work no on call or weekend work
    Live in the city and catch a ferry every day to work or reside in this stunning location
    Small family practice you will be made to feel welcome from day one
    MSK Physiotherapist, Wellington, NZ, $65,000, Permanent
    Work with one employer with the ability to work in various cities throughout NZ
    Dynamic and progressive client rapidly growing in NZ
    Ability to work as part of a team and with potential to advance your career
    MRI Technologist, Auckland, NZ, $75,000, Permanent
    Our client provides services in a wide variety including MSK, neuro and abdominal imaging.
    Further training opportunities available to develop new skills
    Numerous locations spread throughout the Auckland region
    Occupational Therapist, Auckland, NZ, $65,000, Permanent
    Progressive employer with over 20 clinics throughout the North Island
    Dynamic and progressive client rapidly growing in NZ
    Ability to work as part of a team or be a leader and with potential to advance your career
    Clinical Psychologist, Dunedin, NZ, $85,000, Permanent
    Provide assessments and therapeutic support for clients incapacitated through accident, illness and the like
    Work within interdisciplinary team to support overall programme goals with excellent team and senior support
    Professional development opportunities and funding for your continued training in your profession
    Registered Midwife, East of Melbourne, $62,170 - $78.972 2018, $65,275 – 87,282 from April 2019
    Full and part time, permanent positions available
    Opportunity to work and develop Midwifery Skills
    Flexible start dates
    Rural Nurses, NSW both rural and regional, Salary – Up to $52 per hour
    You must have 2 years experience working in your specialist area
    You must have a valid AHPRA and be able to work in Australia with no restrictions (perfect for working holiday visa’s)
    Free accommodation and travel reimbursements
    Anaesthetic & Scrub Nurses, Darwin, NT, $70 000 - $100 000
    Permanent positions with Monthly incentives
    Sponsorship opportunity for suitable candidates
    You must have 2 years experience working in your specialist area
    MRI Radiographer, Adelaide, $90,000 + superannuation
    Sponsorship and relocation allowance offered
    Optional shift work and on-call to increase earning capacity
    Diverse work load rotating between hospitals and private practices
    General practitioners, Sydney, Sign on fees apply
    Earn 70 % of billings
    DWS approved location and visa sponsorship available
    Profit share and sign on fees offered

    Accent Health will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Occupational Therapist
    Junior & Senior Doctors
    RMO's & SHO's
    General Practitioners
    Registered Nurses (Hospital and Community)
    Theatre Staff
    Medical Radiation Technologists
    Anaesthetic Technicians
    Operating Department Practitioners

    Smart Teachers will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Mathematics and Science Teacher
    Primary Teacher
    Physics Teacher
    Northern Territory, Malaysia and Kuwait
    Science Teacher
    Humanities Teacher
    Assistant Principal
    Western Australia
    Mathematics/Human Biology Teacher
    English Teacher
    Design and Technology Teacher
    Head of LOTE (MFL)
    Physics Teacher
    Mathematics Teacher
    Head of English
    IB Economics Teacher
    Head of Science
    New South Wales
    Secondary Learning Support Teacher
    TAS (Industrial, Woodwork, Graphics) Teacher
    Northern Territory, South Australia and International
    Early Years Teacher
    Head of Mathematics
    Head of English and EAL
    Head of Primary Campus
    Head of Design & Technology
    English Teacher – Up to Year 12
    Mathematics Teacher
    French Teacher
    Primary Teachers
    Primary Teachers' Support
    Secondary Teachers
    Secondary Teachers' Support

    BD Building Management are looking for labourers skilled in all aspects of:

    The team at Global Skills Recruitment will be recruiting for roles in Brisbane and across the state including the following roles
    Panel Beater
    Ceiling Fixer
    Air Conditioning Technician
    Renault Car Mechanic

    Education Personnel will be recruiting for the following roles at the show:
    Physics Teacher
    DVC Technology Teacher
    ICT and Digital Technology Teacher
    Business Studies, Economics and CommerceTeacher
    Chemistry Teacher
    Business Studies and Accounting Teacher
    Maths Teacher
    Technology Teacher

    NZ recruitment specialists will be looking for skilled workers at Down Under Live. To apply please see the team on Global Skills Recruitment. Positions they need filled across NZ include:
    Commercial Managers
    Quantity Surveyors
    Project Managers
    Site Managers
    Site Supervisors
    Health & Safety Managers
    Development Managers
    Project Directors
    Leading hands
    Ceiling Fixers
    Piling Operators

    Want a job downunder? Don't see what you're looking for here? Visit the UK's number one website for jobs in Australia & New Zealand - Working Down Under to see more!